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Currently Playing

Magic the Gathering

I've been playing since Zendikar block. While I only play Commander (or as I prefer EDH), I can be found at the occassional pre-release or draft.

Board Gaming

If it's a board game night here's the games i'm playing. Current obsessions: Lords of Waterdeep and Dead of Winter.

World of Warcraft

I can regularly be found hanging around Azeroth with my friends in the Liberated Guild on Dragonmaw. Battletag L2Lion#1337

Heroes of the Storm

I somehow never entered the League of Legends arena but am loving Heroes of the Storm! Favorite toon: Uther

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Top 5 Board Games

Dead of Winter

Dead of Winter is a "meta-cooperative psychological survival game." All that to say you are working with others who have their own secret objectives and there is likely a betrayer in the group...

Lords of Waterdeep

Definitely one of my favorite strategy board games. Don't let the D&D theme fool you. This is really a game of resources and outsmarting the other players.

Sherrif of Nottingham

Great party game for non-gamers. You can be honest or bluff your way to victory!


Splendor is a game of chip-collecting and card development. I play with accountants a lot meaning I rarely win but love this game.

Castle Panic

This is a great family game. You work cooperatively to defend against the horde of monsters that want to tear through the castle walls.

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